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Are you an artistic designer but a little lost in your creative processes?


Don’t worry as it happens to all of us so that’s why I decided to write this blog.


If you are just starting out on your design career path or just curious for some extra tips then this should give you some needed help.


8 Things Every Design Student Needs To Know To Succeed 1

整理自己 (Organize Yourself)

This is something that all design students should learn to master and take control of their own calendar. If you can prioritize your projects and manage all the different deadlines then this will help in the long run. You will be able to concentrate on being creative and not miss targets later on.

这是所有设计专业的学生都应学习掌握并控制自己的日历的方法。 如果您可以确定项目的优先级并管理所有不同的截止日期,那么从长远来看这将有所帮助。 您将可以专注于发挥创造力,而以后不会错过目标。

There are many great ways to keep track from getting a simple calendar and marking projects and deadlines on it or downloading an app with reminders straight to your phone. Also, a great tip I picked up at Uni was completing boring writing assignments that were getting in the way of my creative time. that I used to finish off my work and left me more free time to concentrate on more important design projects.

有很多很棒的方法可以跟踪简单的日历,在其上标记项目和截止日期,或直接将带有提醒的应用程序下载到手机上。 另外,我在Uni中学到的一个很棒的秘诀是完成无聊的写作作业,这阻碍了我的创作时间。 ,我用来结束工作,并留给我更多的空闲时间来专注于更重要的设计项目。

成为估算之王 (Be the King of Estimation)

The biggest skill I learned to develop would be . The more successful design assignments completed the better at this you will become. Every project requires a different amount of time to complete so being able to allow yourself enough time is vital. If you have more time left over you can always start something new or try to improve the project. This will help you later on with your design career when your boss piles on the workload and being able to manage it effectively.

我学会发展的最大技能是 。 成功完成的设计任务越多,您就会越好。 每个项目需要不同的时间来完成,因此,让自己有足够的时间至关重要。 如果还有更多时间可用,您可以随时开始一些新的事情或尝试改善项目。 当您的老板将大量的工作量集中到一起并能够有效地进行管理时,这将有助于您以后的设计生涯。

找到你的利基 (Find your Niche)

There are a lot of good designers out there but you should find your special talent or market that you enjoy doing and appealing to. Throughout your career especially at the start, you will have to undertake more mainstream tasks. This is great, I even still do this sometimes when the price is right. It is important to find your inner strength and what work really makes you happy. Also, stay good friends and network with other designers in different fields. You never know when they can help out with a project or to find new work. Either way, keep connections from University and in the future try to make new ones also.

那里有很多优秀的设计师,但是您应该找到自己喜欢做并吸引的特殊才能或市场。 在整个职业生涯中,尤其是在刚开始的时候,您将不得不承担更多的主流任务。 太好了,即使价格合适我有时也会这样做。 重要的是要找到内在的力量,什么才能真正使您感到快乐。 另外,请保持好朋友并与不同领域的其他设计师建立联系。 您永远都不知道他们什么时候可以提供项目帮助或寻找新工作。 无论哪种方式,都要与大学保持联系,并在将来尝试建立新的联系。

制作作品集以打动人心 (Make a Portfolio to Impress)

This is basically your resume for future work. So as soon as possible you should start adding different projects that show off your talents. Depending on which area of design you specialize in will depend on how it will look, for example, a will look different to a senior art director’s portfolio but still vital. I would recommend having an online copy and also a printed physical copy to take to interviews as it can give that ‘wow’ factor if done well. I got some nice tips from on how to put a portfolio together that can turn some heads. Always try to pursue work that interests you as I think this is really important, but if a job is not what you had hoped do not be scared to leave it. This is all experience that you can use and also put in your portfolio.

这基本上是您未来工作的简历。 因此,您应该尽快开始添加可以展示自己才能的不同项目。 根据您所擅长的设计领域,将取决于外观,例如, 看起来与高级艺术总监的作品集不同,但仍然至关重要。 我建议您拥有一份在线副本以及一份印刷的实物副本,以便接受采访,因为如果做得好,它可以给您带来“惊喜”。 我从那里获得了一些不错的技巧,内容涉及如何组合投资组合,这可能会引起一些正面影响。 始终尝试从事您感兴趣的工作,因为我认为这确实很重要,但是如果您没有希望的工作,就不要害怕离开。 这是您可以使用的所有经验,也可以放入您的投资组合中。

8 Things Every Design Student Needs To Know To Succeed 2

保持动力 (Stay Motivated)

While studying there will be times you will become frustrated and unmotivated to carry on. So it is important to be passionate in your work and find ways to stay motivated. Remember passion fuels creativity, which is so fundamental to design. I used to ask myself what I love doing in design and then remind myself in difficult times. This will help you complete your studies successfully and happily.

在学习的过程中,有时您会感到沮丧和动力不足。 因此,对工作充满热情并找到保持动力的方法很重要。 请记住,激情激发了创造力,而创造力是设计的基础。 我曾经问自己,我喜欢在设计中做什么,然后在困难时期提醒自己。 这将帮助您成功愉快地完成学业。

保持创造力 (Keep the Creativity Going)

There will be times that your creativity will start drop, but there are ways in which you can maintain and improve it. Don’t be scared to come up with new ideas to gain more inspiration. If they are not welcome don’t get disheartened, just keep what you learned and move onto the next project. They are all skills that can come in useful later on.

有时候您的创造力会开始下降,但是您可以通过一些方法来保持和改善它。 不要害怕提出新想法来获得更多灵感。 如果不欢迎他们,请不要沮丧,只要保留您所学的内容,然后继续进行下一个项目即可。 这些都是以后可以有用的技能。

广交批评 (Make Friends with Criticism)

You are a design student to learn, and there will be lots of times a teacher or peer will not agree with your point of view and give negative critique on your creations. All criticism should be met with an open mind and take it on board to improve your work in the future. This is something that is very difficult to do at first, I used to get very defensive about my work. Later on, you will be able to discuss things through and realize you can learn a lot from other people.

您是一名设计专业的学生,​​要学习,很多时候老师或同伴会不同意您的观点,并对您的作品提出负面评论。 所有批评都应保持开放的态度,并接受它以改善您的未来工作。 起初这是很难做到的,我过去常常对自己的工作持防御态度。 稍后,您将能够通过讨论进行讨论,并意识到可以向其他人学习很多东西。

跟上新趋势 (Keep up with New Trends)

This also may depend on which area of design you are involved in, but the idea is the same. If you are a painter then maybe change the style or technique to what’s popular at the time. This makes sure you will be popular and remain successful. Also trying to predict can help stay on top of your game even for senior graphic designers. Keep your self-development ongoing by attending courses related to your design area this will make sure you are not ‘out of touch’ with your clients. The world of visual design is always changing so its important to keep up to date with it.

这也可能取决于您所涉及的设计领域,但是想法是相同的。 如果您是画家,则可以将样式或技术更改为当时流行的方式。 这样可以确保您会受欢迎并保持成功。 此外,即使对于高级图形设计师来说,尝试预测也可以帮助您保持游戏的领先地位。 通过参加与您的设计领域有关的课程来保持自己的自我发展,这将确保您不会与客户“脱节”。 视觉设计的世界一直在变化,因此保持最新状态至关重要。

最重要的是:别忘了相信自己! (Most Importantly: Don’t forget to Believe in yourself!)

I hope these tips helped you out and you succeed in your chosen path. Hard work will always lead you to success. I would be interested to see what tips you picked up, so leave something in the comments section below even if you just want to say hi. Good luck!

希望这些技巧能对您有所帮助,并在您选择的道路上取得成功。 艰苦奋斗总会带领您走向成功。 我很想知道您获得了哪些技巧,因此即使您只想打个招呼,也请在下面的评论部分中保留一些内容。 祝好运!



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